Mission & Outreach
St. James has been a mainstay of community outreach and social justice in the Gallatin Valley for decades
through the dedication of our parishioners and clergy, especially our deacons.
We partner with non-profits across the valley to meet the needs of our community as we are able.
Want to get involved? Start by emailing the office to let us know! We'll put you in touch with the right folks for each ministry.
through the dedication of our parishioners and clergy, especially our deacons.
We partner with non-profits across the valley to meet the needs of our community as we are able.
Want to get involved? Start by emailing the office to let us know! We'll put you in touch with the right folks for each ministry.
Each week, St. James parishioners deliver pizzas donated by Bridger Brewing to folks facing health and/or financial challenges. Contact Deb McNeil to volunteer.
For the second year, this spring we will be collecting items for "room kits" to help furnish the homes of newly resettled refugee families in Montana. Donations will be accepted until April 10 and those who can help pack kits will be needed April 12. Sign up coming later this spring.
A group from St. James volunteers at the HRDC's Fork & Spoon community restaurant about once a month. Our volunteer dates for 2025 are:
Wednesday, January 8th
Wednesday, February 26th
Wednesday, March 12th
Tuesday, April 15th
Monday, May 5th
Tuesday, June 3rd
Wednesday, January 8th
Wednesday, February 26th
Wednesday, March 12th
Tuesday, April 15th
Monday, May 5th
Tuesday, June 3rd
Our dedicated team of Eucharistic Visitors are ready to bring communion and a listening ear to anyone who is in the hospital, homebound, or struggling with a life transition. Contact Rev. Rowan or Ray Ross if you or a loved one are in need of Pastoral Care.
St. James is a partner congregation for the free downtown Bozeman ecumenical Vacation Bible School held each June.
Are there other causes close to your heart? Our Community and World Concerns Committee chooses non-profits in our backyard and across the world to support each year through our 4th Sunday plate offering and annual St. Nicholas Craft Fair.
Other Ministries We Support
The United Thank Offering (UTO) was founded in 1883 by Julia Chester Emery as a way to empower women to undertake innovate missions and ministry across the church. Today, UTO is a ministry of gratitude for the whole church as well as the largest Episcopal granting organization. Still funded by "blue box" collections and ingatherings from across The Episcopal Church, UTO distributes every penny raised the prior year in grants across TEC and the Anglican Communion. The Grant focus in 2024 comes from Matthew 28 and seeks to serve the stranger: those who society has left out and left behind. Learn more about UTO here. Rev. Rowan was on the UTO board before coming to St. James and was delighted to see the deep connection we already had to this fantastic organization.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is the international humanitarian aid agency of The Episcopal Church. Founded in 1940, ERD focuses responding to disasters across the world as well as three main priority areas: women, children, and climate. By partnering with Anglican entities on the ground, especially in Africa, ERD is able to do community-level work to make the world a better place.