Children's Formation 

Growing up in faith

Sunday School starts at 9:30 am in the Todd Center every Sunday (enter through the north courtyard off Tracy Ave).

Our last day of Sunday School for the spring will be June 2, 2024. We will resume in the fall!

Children are invited to join our awesome volunteer teachers during worship each week. Our classroom focuses on the needs of children from Pre-K to 8th grade, but older and younger children may join--just check with the teachers at drop off. We use a mixture of Godly Play, storytelling, and arts and crafts in our classroom each week. Children are also welcome to stay with their grown-ups during worship!

St. James is delighted to prepare youth and adults for the sacrament of Confirmation as there is interest. Reach out to Rev. Rowan to learn more.
Teaching Team: Holly Hunts, Jaimee Rutherford, Kaylin Miller, Patty Bartholomew, Meta Smith, Melissa Bowman, and Brea Richter 
Help us update our records by registering your child for Sunday School!

Faith Formation at Home

Raising children in the Christian faith doesn't just happen on Sunday mornings. Research has shown time and time again that the primary faith teachers for children are their parents and guardians. Here are some resources for integrating faith formation into your family's life outside of St. James. Our Sunday School teachers and Rev. Rowan can give you more ideas if you are interested! 
Building Faith from Virginia Theological Seminary is an excellent blog and resource section to help parents and teachers grow faithful children.
Doing Good Together is a national non-profit that helps connect parents to resources and ideas for raising kids who know the importance of giving back to their community. 
The United Thank Offering has many resources for parents and children to learn about gratitude and practice it together. 

Adult Formation

Deepening faith at all ages

At St. James, we know that growing in faith doesn't end when you age out of Sunday School. We support several ongoing formation opportunities for adults, including a weekly Men's Bible Study (Tuesdays at 7 am at the IHOP on 19th) and are looking forward to hosting the Bozeman Women's Ecumenical Bible (and Book) study known as WEBS on Mondays this fall at St. James. Contact Rev. Valerie to learn where WEBS is meeting this spring.

This spring, we are offering a six week Confirmation/Enquirers class to dive deeper into Episcopal belief and practice and prepare those who wish to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church for that Sacrament. We'll meet on Mondays at 7 pm beginning on April 8.